
Last Updated On: 07th April, 2024.

We have uploaded zone-wise listing of Goods categories and Service Categories , with descriptions and explanatory Notes. We have listed zone-wise, HS details under Goods Categories, and under Service Categories, SAC and SIC. These details are being updated frequently, on our website.

Our website provides various services, namely:
Search – This is a paid service, designed for searching specific Goods Code, SAC Code & SIC Code. The dropdown menus, help in searching specific code. This service also provides explanatory Notes
Goods- This is a paid service, which provides details of a specific Goods Code without explanatory notes.
Service- This is a paid service, which provides details of a specific Service (SAC & SIC) Code without explanatory notes.
Download- Provides Payment details, Help and other documents for references

Briefly, importance of Goods and Service categories:
These help to identify the code details allocated to commodities under goods or services amongst the vast number of categories available.
These help businessmen from across the globe to perform their trade.
